Northern BC

Grad 2024

What a joy to celebrate with the HCOS 2024 Grads and their families over the past two weeks.  We rejoice in all the hard work and perseverance that students have demonstrated during their time at HCOS.  Here are a few photos of the fun and the memories that were made.  A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all our Northern Grads!  

Meeting new and old friends

A little Uno stress relief

Signing Yearbooks - HCOS first yearbook EVER!

Signing Yearbooks

Kelowna Grad

Photo Credit: Mrs. Laura Nelson

Langley Grad

Photo Credit: Mr. Steve Bastian

Photo Credit: Chelsea Robichaud 

Langley Banquet

Once meeting the formalities of pictures, yearbooks and the graduation ceremony were complete, student dressed in their finest attended a wonderful reception.  We were treated to a delicious buffet dinner, complete with buffet dessert table as well!  The event was hosted by Grads from the Student Counsel, and the HCOS Grad Advisor team. The Grads participated in friendly yet competitive game of Graduation Survivor. What a fantastic day to enjoy all the hard work and dedication students have invested throughout their schooling. 

Many Blessings to our North Graduates.

Welcome Northern Students and Families!

 My name is Tara Klukas, and I am your Grad Advisor. I have worked at HCOS since 2011 in both teaching and Grad Advising capacities.  I am currently also the Career Life Education teacher and Adult Grad Advisor.  It is always exciting to see young people discover what gifts, talents and skills God has blessed them with and then help them set goals to journey the pathway they feel God is calling them to pursue.  

 I have three kids of my own, and wow are they different!  Every learner is a little different, an individual, with personal goals, interests, and learning styles. As such, a meeting to discuss these things is important. Together, we can make a plan for your grad years, a plan uniquely suited to you and dream about what comes after graduation, together. 

Here is my Introduction video:

This is what a grad advisor does:

• Communicate with you about courses and course selection.  

• Planning with you for what is needed for the completion of high school and your post-secondary goals.

• Connect you to important information as the year progresses. 

• Connect you to Learning Services and Special Education if needed.

• Make any mid-year course changes and help you sign up for Summer courses.

If you would like to an appointment, please go here:

I can be reached at if you need anything from me.  

 I am excited to be walking alongside you on your graduation pathway.  Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, please reach out.  I am always happy to help. Mrs. Klukas

(*Image above is Above Lake Loise by W. J . Phillips

Course Planning:

We have course planning to do over the next month and a half for each student in the North region.  Please review the HCOS course library and the required and elective courses in the Course Planning Sheet below.

Course Library:

Course Planning Sheet: Drafting a Graduation Plan

 Let me know if you have any questions on course selection.