HCOS Connect
HCOS is Coming to a City Near You!
When and Where?
April 28--> HCOS Connect - Interior (Kelowna)
April 29--> HCOS Connect - North (Fort St. John)
April 30--> HCOS Connect - Lower Mainland (Abbotsford)
May 1--> HCOS Connect - Island (Nanaimo)
Building Community through HCOS Connect
We are looking forward to hosting small conferences in four different locations across the province. Our goal is to offer teachers and parents meaningful and relevant home learning workshops. HCOS Connect events will also provide a space for parents to connect with their regional administration, academic advisors and teachers in order to develop relationships, ask questions and plan for their children’s education.
Hosting these events around BC will mean less travel for families while continuing to make connections with local home learning communities. We want to extend the benefits of previous conference events to families who may not have been able to travel to distant locations. These events will take place on a single day over the course of the afternoon and evening.
We look forward to connecting with you!