Innovations Crew
Coming to HCOS September 2025!
Students will be placed in cohorts with a team of teachers and an Academic Advisor who will work together to ensure they are well supported in all aspects of their Grade 8 or 9 school year.
Crew Students will:
Have a team of teachers and an Academic Advisor who will deliver all their courses
This team will work collaboratively with students to plan, teach, assess, advise and support them throughout the year
Learn to work with multiple teachers over the course of the year
Students will begin to take responsibility for communicating with more than one person, connecting with course specialist teachers for help, and learning how to advocate for themselves.
Be able to choose between individualized or online courses for all of the core subject areas (Science, Math, English and Social Studies)
Students can still learn using a student learning plan and traditional paper-based resources to meet BC learning standards OR enrol in online courses for Math, Science, Social Studies and English.
Students will complete non-core courses based on the student learning plan created collaboratively between teachers and students. This will include learning activities and assessment provided by Crew teachers.
Have the support of a case manager if they are part of the Inclusive Education department
Is Crew the right choice for me?
The Crew program is a good fit for students who want to explore their faith and learn in a community where they can be courageous, take risks with their learning, and become advocates for themselves and others. The program is designed for students who want to learn together in community.
To view our Vision and Values for Crew, click here.
Crew Students:
Commit to the Crew program for the whole school year
Attend scheduled weekly zoom classes with cameras on
Communicate respectfully and in a timely manner with their teachers and advisor as needed
Regularly log in to Brightspace to access resources, assignments, hand in boxes and feedback
Complete and submit work regularly, responding to feedback provided by teachers.
Interact with peers respectfully and willingly
Are willing to ask for help when needed
Are welcome to connect with EA’s in the Student Success Center
What will my week look like?
Crew cohorts will meet on Zoom regularly throughout the week with the teaching team and advisor. Students can expect 2-3 regularly scheduled classes during the week as well as additional times that they can connect with teachers for help as needed.
Students will use Brightspace daily to access course resources and other materials provided by teachers, submit their work and monitor their progress. Teachers will provide helpful material and instructions, written feedback and assessment in Brightspace.
We hosted a parent's night in early January, please feel free to take a look at the recording by clicking the white button.
Are you currently an HCOS Student?
If so, You can let us know your interest in the program upon re-enrollment or by contacting your Support Teacher.
Are you new to HCOS?
If so, we look forward to connecting and exploring if Crew is right for you. Please complete an application to HCOS here.
What is my role as a Crew Parent?
Have primary responsibility for the child’s well-being, growth, and development.
Indicate their student’s choice for participation in Crew during enrolment or re-enrolment
Recognize that teachers have professional training and expertise in their subject areas
Respond to communication from the teaching team and advisor in a timely manner
Work with course teachers and their student to develop student learning plans as needed
Support their student at home by:
Checking regularly on course progress and performance in Brightspace
Encouraging student communication with teachers for help, clarification, questions, etc
Scheduling activities around Crew class times so students can attend Zoom classes