Learning Commons

Heritage Christian Schools Learning Commons website provides Canadian, Christian, educational digital and non-digital resources to our school users; including teachers, parents and students.

Our learning commons mission is… to transform young people across the globe by means of a Christ-infused resource based library. Recognizing that Heritage Christian Schools has been given an extraordinary opportunity to provide a distinct online educational framework, one that will impact youth in BC and around the world. Our goal is to prepare our students to become lifelong learners, who can disseminate information consistently, think creatively and innovatively, and research effectively online, while actively engaging in their world from a Christian world-view, through discipleship-based Christian Education.

Learning Commons Update

As we wind down the year we pray you are keeping well during this challenging season.  We know that many of you are working from home with your students.  Our role as first responders in the learning commons is to ask you as our community what you would like to see us doing as far as extending our learning commons community to you?   What events or contests would you like to see happening?  We want to serve you best and connect in whatever way you think would bless your students.  We are praying 2023 will be a more positive and uplifting year for all.  Please feel free to email me pdavies@onlineschool.ca.  

Digital Commons

Unit Study Kits

 SORA Highlights



Grace and Peace to you from the Learning Commons Team!

Learning Commons Update

This month we celebrate Remembrance Day,  a Reading contest, Author event and Photographic contest coming soon.  Thank you so much for your patronage this term.  We know things have been very busy in the learning commons and we are so grateful for your support.

Digital Commons

 SORA Highlights

Unit Study Kits


Webinar Wednesdays and Events/Contests

Grace and Peace to you from the Learning Commons Team!

Learning Commons Update

Welcome to our November newsletter and cooler rainy days!  Time to get reading some of your favourite classics in your favourite armchair!  We have added many classics from the public domain into OverDrive:  including most of  Shakespeare, Dickens and many more of your favourite writers!   These make wonderful novel studies!  This month we celebrate Remembrance Day and our fallen soldiers.  We also host another learning commons open house for anyone still needing help getting started in the learning commons.  Find the event below in our Webinar Wednesdays.

Digital Commons

New on SORA


Unit Study Kits

Webinar Wednesdays and Events

Grace and Peace to you from the Learning Commons Team!

Weekly Learning Commons Update

Dear Learning Commons families,

Summer is almost here!  This term may have been tough but God’s light, hope and love will see us through!  Remember to keep your students reading through the summer!  Our digital library is OPEN all summer.  

An email was shared with all families last week outlining the changes to our Learning Commons, and also parameters around returning your used curriculum.  I forgot to include some addresses and an important note.  

Families may ship their materials that were purchased with a PO number to:

 Operations Manager

905 Badke Rd
Kelowna, B.C.

If you have questions please contact tgerk@onlineschool.ca

If you would like donate curriculum materials purchased with your own monies to the Learning Commons, please send directly to:

            HCOS Learning Commons
907 Badke Rd.
Kelowna, B.C.

You can choose to have the shipping for donated items arranged for and paid by the Learning Commons,OR receive 10% off your next purchase at our used curriculum store.  This, on top of our moving sale discount of 10%, will equate to 20% off your purchases!

*Curriculum must be in good condition, please no writing in consumables.

If you would like to send materials back in July or thereafter, you will need to send them to the 905 Badke Rd. address, as our Learning Commons is moving buildings.  You can email Shandra if you need further clarification about the coupons. swiebe@onlineschool.ca

Please join us this Wednesday, June 10th at 1 pm for our Learning Commons Virtual Open House. Join the Learning Commons team as we address our response to the funding cuts. We will explain changes to our shipping policy with tips and tricks for booking items, and reveal new resources available to you to help you homeschool on a budget.  We will leave plenty of time to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have.

Grace and Peace to you from the Learning Commons Team!

Kind regards,

Pippa Davies,

Director HCS Blended Learning Commons

Corona Virus getting you down? Catch an Opportunity.

According to the World Health Organization, we are in a pandemic. The information is coming at us at breakneck speed. The young people we work with everyday are hearing the news of schools and sports shutting down and are wondering...What is an influenza?  What does pandemic mean?  What about epidemic? Will my game be canceled? Should my family cancel our spring break plans?  How can we avoid getting sick?

We are in a teachable moment.  Curiosity is running high and there are 

implications that students can dig into!  This is a perfect opportunity for inquiry.

Pandemic, epidemic, influenza, vaccination are some of the basic vocabulary that students can learn from studying COVID19.  We might assume our students know that influenza is the flu, but they may not have made that connection. The word Pandemic offers insight into other words as it originates from the Greek pandemos or pan = all demos = people Learning the word pandemic can apply to all the other words with the prefix pan and root, demos.

What about history? Of course, there have been pandemics in the past. How is this different from the pandemics of the past- the Spanish Flu or Yellow Fever? 

This Smithsonian podcast "Killer Viruses and One Man's Mission to Stop Them"unravels some of the keys to understanding viruses with a historical lens and how we combat them with science! Also Check out the images of artifacts at the bottom of that page under the podcast that might get your students thinking/wondering about other pandemics from history for some curious thinking for Open and Immerse.

What in the World and The Canadian Reader

Dec 2019

To download your personal copy, please go to the Subscribers page on our website:  http://www.lesplan.com/en/subscriber-issues

What in the World?  The password forLevel 1 - Issue 4 is flood7 (all lowercase letters).  The password to open the Level 2 – Issue 4 materials is vote4 (all lowercase letters). 

The Canadian Reader  The password to open the Issue 4 materials is bird all lowercase letters).

Nos Nouvelles  (Nov)  Le mot de passe donnant accès au numéro 3 est cour (tout en minuscules).  Pour télécharger votre copie personnelle, visitez la page Abonnés de notre site Web à https://www.lesplan.com/fr/abonnes

We strongly recommend that you save the PDF and Word files to your hard drive before you open and print. We also suggest you save your passwords so that you can access past issues.

The main document is in a PDF format and you need Adobe Reader to open it. This software allows you to view and print Portable Document Format (PDF) files on all major computer platforms. If you do not have this free program, you can download it from Adobe at:  http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/

Beth Johnson

Subscriptions Facilitator