
Looking for Scholarships, Grants, Bursaries, Contests etc.?

Scholarships applications and academic contests pop up throughout the year. It is your job to ensure that you are actively looking for them and are mindful of their deadlines. This page will be updated as information is sent to us.   

Click here for a great Canadian website which describes a number of different scholarship opportunities. 

Click here for a list we compiled for you with timelines/deadlines.

Important Dates: 

HCOS Awards Webinar: Watch the Recording Here

Application Closes: April 28th @ 9:00am

HCOS Scholarships & DAS NOW OPEN


Please contact Kaylee Moerman.

Important Dates: 

HCOS Award Webinar: Watch the recording here.

Application Closes: April 28th @ 9:00am

Please email Kaylee Moerman if you have any questions. 

You can also access the Bursary Landing Page directly from their myBlueprint account. Simply navigate to the Scholarships tab via Dashboard > Tasks > Scholarships.

Here is what you need to know:

Scotiabank Scholarships 

Learn More

H&R Block Canada Scholarships

Learn More

myBlueprint Awards 

How to Apply:

Volunteer Work

Where do I find volunteer opportunities?

How to apply for Scholarships and Bursaries

Step 1: Determine what your financial need is and how many bursaries and scholarships you will be applying for.

Step 2: Develop a template to track all the scholarships and bursaries, particularly if you are applying to more than 5.

Create your own using excel OR Use our template

Step 3: Create useful fields on your spreadsheets for tracking 

Helpful Hints

Here are some tips to consider:

Select the button below to create your own Personal Profile. 

HCOS Scholarships & DAS

Application closes on April 28th at 9:00am

Slide Deck

Select the button below to open the handout. 

Scholarship Camp #1 

Scholarship Camp #2 

Types of Scholarships/Bursaries/Awards

I) Post-Secondary Scholarship Options

These scholarships are contingent on accepting the offer of admission for that specific institution. The applications for these scholarships may be:

II) Association and Community Scholarship Options

Many groups offer scholarship/bursary opportunities to high school students such as unions, clubs, businesses, associations, organizations and so on. Students should consider their individual situation to see if any opportunities are available through their skills, involvement or family. Criteria for each of these opportunities varies including artistic ability, academic performance, community service, leadership, athletics, financial need, etc.

There are many other awards available to grade 12's that do not come through the school.  We always recommend that students check scholarship websites, parents' workplaces, post-secondary institutions they are applying to and associations and organizations with which parents or grandparents are affiliated. 

III) Find a Match

Some websites will match a student with a variety of awards in their database. Register online for this option at:


You were awarded a bursary/scholarship, now what?

1. Make sure to THANK you donors. At the bottom of your scholarship letter, you will see an address.  Take the time to write and thank them once you have received your scholarship.

Dear Donor:

            Thank you for the scholarship.  I am planning to pursue a career in teaching and will be attending UNBC in the fall. The funds will go towards paying tuition and books...etc.


Mya Scholarship

2. Award Deferral: If you are not planning to attend a post-secondary institution in the year immediately following graduation, please indicate that you would like a one year deferral in your thank you letter. Most scholarships, bursaries and awards only allow a one year deferral