Mark it on Your Calendars: March Break

The day most of us have been counting down to is almost here ... March Break is just a few days away! 🎉Whether you're planning on taking the full two weeks off or using part of it to catch up or get ahead in your courses, here are some important dates to keep in mind ....

Brightspace will close at 4:00 pm Friday, March 14th.

Likewise, the SSC Team will also be taking a break!

** Students who would like to work through StudyForge materials can do so by following the instructions here.  

Brightspace will open at 4:00 pm on Friday, March 21st. 

The SSC Team will resume sessions (and email correspondence) as early as 8 am on Monday, March 24th. 

Book Your Next Session Here!

Classes will resume the week of March 31st. 

On behalf of the SSC Team, we hope you have a spectacular break! 🌞 We hope you return to school rejuvenated - ready to tackle the final stretch of the race! 

Teenagers for Christ

For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. (Roman 8:19)

Today, we live in a world where teenagers are labelled as “rebellious,” “disrespectful,” and “selfish,” but a couple of weekends ago, I witnessed thousands of teenagers spending three days seeking God with all their hearts at a youth conference in Egypt. 

   I saw teenagers allowing God to work in every area of their lives - teenagers repenting and breaking free from addiction, teenagers showered by God’s love, and teenagers healing emotionally and physically. I personally sat with 19 girls throughout the conference and saw their lives being transformed in God’s presence. I am excited for what is yet to come and for the revealing of more and more true sons and daughters of God.

Lucinda Beshay, February 2025

New Year, New Possibilities!

We understand that not all will begin 2025 feeling rested and rejuvenated or confident about where they are positioned in the race. 

Pause for a sec … How are you feeling?

Are you listening to the clock tick or staring at a mile-high to-do list, wondering how you’ll ever reach the finish line? Are you feeling the pressure with report cards coming out soon? Are you struggling to get back into the race - trying to fight off winter blues and low motivation?

Hang in there! 

Hopefully, you’ll find these 6 tips helpful …

1) Past ←REFLECT → Future. Unfortunately, we can’t close our eyes, tap our heels three times, and open our eyes to find ourselves standing on the graduation stage with a diploma in hand. (If only, right!?) So, spend some time reflecting on the past few months to see what pieces you need to add (and what pieces need to be removed) in order to get you back in the race (and running well). Be honest! 

2) Collect the Puzzle Pieces. Before jumping to conclusions or diving in, get yourself organized. Look through your courses to see what pieces are missing or need to be completed. From there, establish goals and to-do lists to help keep you on track.

3) Add Rewards to Boost Motivation. Let’s be honest: January wouldn’t win any Best Month of the Year awards! But it must still be productive; remember, the clock is ticking. So, giving yourself some incentives or rewards might be helpful to keep you motivated and on task. Maybe it’s a few more breaks, extra time cuddling your puppy or taking a long winter nap.

4) Sprinkle in Some Fun. Lengthy bouts of reading, video-watching, answering math problems, or studying for a science test can get a little dry, so make sure to add in some fun whenever possible! Can you do your reading at a coffee shop, have a family viewing movie night (entice them with some movie treats!), do some math in the kitchen (yum!), or create a game that helps you review while teaching your family a few new things? Get creative! 

5) Run Together. Don’t try to run the race alone - even Olympic runners have a team to support them! And don’t wait until the final stretch to utilize your academic team - reach out now! Ask lots of questions, and share your concerns and worries. I promise there is no judgment and no biting! 

6) Keep a Positive Mindset. There’s going to be twists and turns, highs and lows. You’ll likely feel like you’re on a rollercoaster. Maybe this already sounds familiar!? Keep your chin up, and as hard as it is, try to find the positives. And if you’ve battled with negative thoughts in the past, take control of them. It really will have a huge impact on your race!

And don’t forget that the Student Success Centre (SSC) covers many bases. You can …

* Workshop Schedule & Info * Workshop Recordings & Slide Decks 

** If you are in grades 10 or 12 and will be writing a provincial assessment in January, we strongly encourage you to prepare beforehand. The Acing the Provincial Assessments workshop recording & slide deck will provide insights into what to expect and tips for success. Visiting the BC Provincial Assessments website and doing some practice test runs will definitely be worth your time and effort! Reach out if you have any questions: Taryn McPherson

Good luck with 2025! 

The SSC is here to help and cheer you on!

Welcome, Lisa

The SSC Team must be on Santa’s NICE list! With over 200 students already visiting the SSC this year, we put in a request for an extra Math & Science EA and got one! We are so excited to welcome Lisa Dietrich to our team! 

Lisa has spent many years in the classroom - working as an EA to support students with their math and science coursework, and also, more recently, as a student working through her Bachelor of Science (Mathematics). She also has many years of tutoring experience. She is excited to come alongside you in your academic journey!

Here are a few fun facts about Lisa: Outside of work and school, Lisa enjoys watching episodes of “The Office” while snacking on sour candy (until her stomach cries!). She is up for an adventure - over the years, she has worked in an autobody shop, as a zookeeper, and as a pharmacy technician. Wow, that’s pretty cool! 

Welcome video - Lisa Dietrich.mp4

The End of 2024 is Quickly Approaching! 

But not before our CHRISTMAS PARTIES!! 

This year, the SSC Team is bursting with excitement as we prepare for TWO amazing Christmas parties on Wednesday, December 18th

* Gr. 5-9: 11 am * Gr. 10-12: 12:30 pm * Times in PST * Zoom Link

So come in your favourite Christmas attire and with your favourite Christmas backdrop in view, ready for an hour filled with a whole lot of Christmas fun! 

The Christmas break is just days away …. There are only a handful of Xs to place on the calendar before December 25th!

As it approaches, we’re guessing you’re feeling a mix of excitement for all the fun ahead (and the opportunity to sleep in!) but also heaviness and exhaustion as the journey has been tough and you haven’t crossed the finish line yet. 

Need a little encouragement to help keep you going? 

Here are Our Top 6 Tips for You:

1) Push Through. We know you’re already SO ready to sign off for the holidays, but these next few days are a great opportunity to get closer to your goals and finish a unit, assignment, or project. These wins will help put you in a better position for January and help you tie up loose ends that won’t distract you over the break. 

2) Make a List – and Check it Twice. 😉 With all the Christmas hype, it’ll be even harder to stay organized, so create a to-do list to help keep you on track.

3) Plan for Distraction. Right before Christmas break, it’s only natural to be distracted (and a bit less productive). Just make sure to create space in your calendar for those tough and not-so-fun assignments beforehand. 

4) Reward Yourself. With all the excitement, giving yourself some incentives or rewards might be helpful to keep you motivated and on task. Maybe it’s a few more breaks, an extra Christmas cookie, or a Christmas movie with a friend. 

5) See the Future. January might seem far away, but it’ll be here before you know it! Spend a little time creating a snapshot of what January will hold, as it’ll help with the transition back. With this in mind, also do some reflecting on the past few months to see what pieces you need to add to ensure you have a great start to 2024.

6) Make it Fun. Lastly, don’t forget to sprinkle in some holiday fun! Plus, use the break to refuel, recharge, and fill up your tank with all the things and people you love most.

Teacher & GA: Anthony Kuchma

You Heard it Here First …

Instead of stopping there, we asked two beloved HCOS staff to share about their school experiences and the best advice they have for you as you wrap up the year and prepare for the start of a new one! We are handing the mic over to …

  “The days are shorter and darker and motivation can be at an all-time low for getting school work done. However, the holidays is a great time to relax and recharge… that means time before the Brightspace shutdown should be a time of grinding things out. Knowing that you’re going to have a very solid break coming up should prove as motivation in December. Then after having time to relax and recharge, you can start strong in January to get things going again. I strongly urge you to put in extra time and effort before the holidays to even get ahead, that way you can truly enjoy your time off during Christmas and New Years.

A personal favourite strategy of mine is to head to a coffee shop during winter months and dedicate a solid amount of time towards school. I did that back in high school, during my university years, and even now as a teacher to catch up on marking. Putting in headphones and having no one around to distract you can be a perfect recipe to being productive. Creating an epic playlist beforehand can help with getting in the zone as soon as you get to your favourite coffee spot. I will often order a coffee drink to get started for a caffeine spike, but will then stay and work and get a tea later on. I usually aim to be there for a minimum of 3 hours.

     I hope this is helpful. One thing that might be helpful to some is to study and do homework with a friend, but usually that distracts me more than anything, so I like to work by myself; whatever is best for you is what you should do.”

“Christmas is coming and you want to close your computer, put your books away, and be done, done, done with school! I get it! Me, too! One thing that I’ve learned is that the end of the school term comes VERY quickly after the Christmas break, so the more I get done in December, the better I feel in January. And let’s be honest, January can be a dreary month! No need to make it worse by having to get caught up on work that should have been done before Christmas! Here is how I approach the weeks leading up to Christmas.


One thing I always do over Christmas break is actually take a break. I log off, put away my computer, and give my brain a break! No worrying about the little things I didn’t quite finish off or telling myself (or others!) that I’m going to do some extra work to get ahead. Just work hard before the break, get as much done as you can, and then enjoy the time off and be present with the people around you! We all need time to shift our focus away from school so that when we return in January, we’re ready to start with a fresh mindset and eager to pick things up and get moving again.”

Teacher & CM: Jacqueline Dewar

Mark it on Your Calendar: A Sneak Peek into the Start of 2025.

Report Cards - All student work must be submitted early so teachers can prepare report cards by January 23. Be aware of the cutoff dates for each course, as they may vary. Plan to meet with an SSC team member if you have fallen behind and need help catching up. Book Now

Provincial Assessments - If you are in grades 10 or 12 and will be writing a provincial assessment in January (January 13-24), we strongly encourage you to prepare beforehand. Attending the Acing the Provincial Assessments workshop (or watching the recording) will provide insights into what to expect and tips for success. Visiting the BC Provincial Assessments website and doing some practice test runs will definitely be worth your time and effort! Reach out if you have any questions: Taryn McPherson

Workshops - Struggling to write killer notes, ace a test, or take control of your distractions? You aren’t the only one! Check out our FREE workshop recordings & slide decks OR book a workshop highlights session to dig deeper into these tough topics to boost your performance and productivity. 

* Book A Workshop Highlights Session * Workshop Recordings & Slide Decks 

Just for Kicks: 

From the SSC Team, we wish you a holiday filled with God’s love and joy as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Saviour, with those closest to you. 

Be blessed!

** Reminder: The SSC will be closed from December 21 - January 6. ** 

Goodbye September, Hello October! 

We are into the second month of the 24/25 race … How are you making out? 

Did you set your eyes on the finish line and sprint as fast as you could - but are already running out of steam? Or did you set your eyes on the finish line - sooooo far away - and decide to leisurely stroll - but are now feeling a little bit of pressure? 

Did you set your eyes on the finish line, and acknowledge that this long trek requires a relay of sorts - and add supporting members to your team?

If not, let us remind you that the SSC team is here to support you!

And you have lots to choose from: 

* Workshop Schedule & Info * Workshop Recordings & Slide Decks 

** If you are in grades 10 or 12 and will be writing a provincial assessment in November, we strongly encourage you to prepare beforehand. Attending the Acing the Provincial Assessments workshop (or watching the recording) will provide insights into what to expect and tips for success. Visiting the BC Provincial Assessments website and doing some practice test runs will definitely be worth your time and effort! Reach out if you have any questions: Taryn McPherson

You Heard it Here First:  

October and November are both months that encourage us to pause …. to focus on our blessings over Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day. What are you most thankful for? 

The SSC team has full, grateful hearts ….

As a team, we celebrate as over 100 students (many new!) visited the SSC in September! We also ran 150 sessions and four different workshops for students and parents. Wow - what a superb start to the school year!

Individually, we are counting our blessings …. 

“The past year has arguably been one of the hardest - moving countries, being away from close friends and family, going through health scares, and losing loved ones. But one thing I can attest to is God’s faithfulness. He has been the solid rock when everything else was shaking. He has been my healer, my friend who is closer than a brother, my comforter and my help in times of need. I am so thankful for the people God sent into my life -, for every relationship. I am so thankful I am back with HCOS, and for every opportunity I was given to grow throughout the past year. I am so thankful for God’s grace - I never had to earn it, and I don’t deserve it, but He has freely given it to me. I am so thankful for my family’s love and my church surrounding me. I am so thankful for the favour God gave me with people, time and time again, and for gifting me the opportunity of impacting people’s lives and being there for them throughout some of the lowest seasons of their lives.” (Lucinda, Math & Science EA) 

“I am blessed as one season ends and transitions into the next, enabling me to witness another of God’s masterpieces. As much as I love summer when it is summer, I am grateful that fall has come. I love the brisk mornings, the earthy smell, the geese honking as they make their way south, and the beauty of the golden, burgundy and bright red foliage. I look forward to every taste of pumpkin! My blessings continue to overflow with so many amazing people in my life - friends, family, SSC team members, and the new and returning HCOS students and families I get to run this race with. So many of my smiles result from a job that brings me so much joy! I hope you are blessed in 24/25!” (Taryn, Literacy & Executive Functioning EA)

“I honestly don’t know where to start. I feel very blessed with the life that I get to live - from the job I get to work in, to my family and the fun things that we get to experience together. Having been with HCOS for 18 years now has provided me the opportunity to not only be an educator, but allow me the ability to be present for my kids. I love what I get to do, the teachers and Grad Advisors I get to work with, the challenges we work through and the celebrations we are a part of. I love that I get to travel the world, be there for my kids at their dance shows and baseball games - and I am so very grateful for each and every moment of this wonderful life we live!” (Chelsea, Director of Grad)

“I blinked and October arrived! Over here it has been a season of change, not just in my yard with the leaves changing color, but also in my work life as I have shifted into the position as a Learning Support EA with the Student Success Cente. What a blessing this has been! My favorite part of this new role is connecting with families and supporting so many of you as you start off strong this new school year. It has been such a joy to meet many of you, and I look forward to meeting more of you soon! As I anticipate this Thanksgiving holiday, I am reminded of Psalms 100:4 “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise: give thanks to him and praise his name.” I am so thankful to be part of HCOS and to play a role in your homeschooling this year. I pray that you and your family will find time to rest in God’s goodness this Thanksgiving season and that you will be reminded of all we have to be thankful for!” (Andrea, Literacy, Numeracy & Executive Functioning EA) 

“As the excitement of summer fades and students and teachers settle into the year, I find quiet moments of time to harvest the last of the season’s summer fruit and vegetables. This reminds me of Psalm 85:12: The Lord will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. The jars of tomatoes are stacked high, and the apple sauce sits ready to enjoy in the cold months ahead. The scent of basil lingers faintly, while the home-grown pumpkins wait by the door. The last of the lettuce adds freshness to daily meals and the carrots brighten up our salads. Even the unrelenting zucchini finds a place on the table. God is good. Thanksgiving serves as a time to gather with loved ones, reflect on our blessings, and express gratitude for the abundance in our lives—both in what we have and the people we share it with. I am so grateful.” (Allison, SSC Manager)

The 24/25 School Year Has Started! 

If you are a newcomer … Welcome! 

And if you are a returning student … Welcome Back! 

Just as a recap, the SSC team had a huge win last year with over 225 students (grades 5-12) supported and over 2000 sessions booked! Impressive, right!? 

But we’re boosting the ante this year and dreaming even bigger! To make this happen, we’ve been working hard to prepare for the 24/25 school year. And we did it - we are ready and SO excited to join your academic team!

SSC Favourites - Not to be Missed! 

Here’s just a friendly reminder that the SSC offers more than one-to-one sessions with an EA. Don’t forget to take advantage of our:

Notice Anything Different?

If you answered yes, you’re right! We have the joy of introducing you to two new EAs - Lucinda Beshay and Andrea Heidema! 

Welcome, Lucinda!

Lucinda, an HCOS grad and Masters of Psychology student, will be joining our team as the new Math & Science EA. Her love and wonder of Science started at an early age as she marvelled at how God intricately designed every aspect of our world with precision and detail. Her wide range of Biology, Life Science, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Pre-calculus skills will blow you away! Lucinda is eager to work alongside HCOS students - contributing  to the very environment that played a crucial role in her education - adding to the mix her passion for student wellness and personal growth.

Here are a few fun facts about Lucinda: Outside of work and studying, she enjoys playing the piano, going to the gym, and serving her church's youth group. When alone, she can often be found with her headphones on, reading a book. As for foods, she’s a fan of seafood pasta and an occasional midnight shawarma snack.

Please help us in welcoming, Lucinda!

Lucinda Beshay SSC

Welcome, Andrea!

Andrea will be joining our team as the new Learning Support (LS) EA. She comes with years of experience working with kids and teens - within her community, at christian summer camps, and in both public and private schools (K-12) where she worked as an EA. Having spent some time homeschooling her son, she understands the challenges and rewards that come from home learning and is hopeful she can enrich your HCOS experience!

Please help us in welcoming, Andrea! 😃

Here are a few fun facts about Andrea: When Andrea isn’t working, you will likely find her in the kitchen baking treats for her kids, or roaming the beach for marine life and interesting rocks. She loves being in nature, spending time with family, and dancing. 

Andrea Video.MOV

Ready, Set, Go! 

And just like that, the race has started! Are you ready? 

Maybe these are things you will need to remind yourself of as you get started and throughout the year … 

Can I leave you with one final suggestion? 

Don’t wait until you’ve shed lots of sweat and tears before reaching out for help! Instead, let us - the SSC team - help you kickstart the new school year and ensure your year is filled with many successes! 

Good luck! 

Just for Kicks: 

June is Here! 

Riding the Coaster of 2023-2024 …

In some ways, it’s hard to believe that June is here, and yet it also feels like September was a lifetime ago. I don’t know about you, but since then, I feel like I was on a roller coaster or two … or make that one hundred! As this school year comes to a wrap, instead of focusing on the lows, I want to think about the high points – those times I was at the top of the roller coaster! 

As a part of the SSC Team, I am excited to share that this year we have supported over 220 students with over 2000 visits; we also added to the mix over 10 workshops for students and parents! 

We have joyfully helped students (in their own words): “complete more courses than last year,” “get set up well and caught up around big trips,” “meet deadlines,” “create amazing projects,” “learn new strategies to tackle Math questions,” “get motivated to do the work,” and “cross the finish line - even when it didn’t seem possible."

How about you?

We would love to hear what you’ve appreciated most about the SSC Team this year and any suggestions you have on how we can enable more “top of the roller coaster” moments next year. Share your Feedback 

List of Workshops: 

June Workshops

Though no new workshops will run in the month of June, students and parents can revisit past workshops using one of these three options:   

Final Round of Provincial Assessments

From June 3rd -14th, students will have one final opportunity to write their BC Provincial Assessments. If this happens to be you, here are three options that could help you get the results you’re looking for:   

NEW For the Summer of 2024 …

The SSC will be OPEN for most of the summer – woohoo! Though availability will be reduced, students and parents will have an opportunity to connect with Taryn McPherson through email and booked sessions. Squeezing a little school into the summer months is a great way to tie up some loose ends or get a head start on next year’s courses!  

Please also take advantage of the Resources we have available …. Recorded Workshops with Slide Decks and Goal Setting and Planning Samples & Templates! These resources can help set you/your child up well for the Fall of 2024!  

From the entire SSC Team, we pray your summer is a time of reconnection, refreshment, and lots of joy and laughter! And if we don’t see you in the summer, we look forward to reconnecting in the Fall! ❤️

Let’s Kick off the Summer with a Little Fun …

More “New” Around the Corner! 

First and foremost: Welcome, Calise Stankoven!

For most of May, we’ll have a new SCC team member: Calise Stankoven! As a Bachelor of Education student, Calise was inspired by her passion for writing and her belief that having teachers who deeply care about what they teach makes a huge difference for students. She is excited to wear many hats as a teacher - writing, performing, exploring, doing experiments, you name it! She joins our team willing and able to provide students with literacy and executive functioning support! 

Fun Facts: When Calise isn’t deep into her studies, she loves cooking - spicy curries and homemade ramen. And recently, she has had fun learning about science and fermentation in the kitchen by making sourdough and kombucha! Outside of school and the kitchen, Calise loves going for hikes and bicycle rides as she explores the amazing Okanagan Valley landscape.

Please join us in warmly welcoming Calise to the SSC Team!

Hi Everybody! My name is Calise.


As a new month is about to start, be on the lookout for another lineup of workshops … including a couple of new ones. 

Visit our Upcoming Events page to get all the details! 

Take Time for Mental Health Awareness 

Every day, but especially in May, we need to make mental health a priority. 

If you are a youth struggling with your mental health …. You are not alone! Please be courageous and share your thoughts and feelings.

If you are a parent of a child who is struggling with their mental health … You are not alone! Please be observant, ask questions, listen wholeheartedly, and seek support.

Here are some excellent sources of information to get your started:

SOPHIE: Anxiety and Mental Health Resources for Families 

Here to Help:

Children and teens can also call the Kids Help Phone to speak to a counselor at 1-800-668-6868 or visit Kids Help Phone for information on the resources and support available. For more places to get help, visit Crisis Centre – Get Help. If you are in an emergency, call 9-1-1

Like me, you might be excited that a month that has a two-week-long break and acts as a reset button for the rest of the school year - and a stepping stone to next year - is almost here!

In my excitement, I can almost hear the robins chirping and see the buds on the trees. Each Spring, we witness new beginnings and fresh starts … which is what you might need as you prepare for the final quarter of the school year. If that’s you, let me provide a few tips to help get you through this final leg of the race

be deliberate about fitting school in. 

Who doesn’t like a break!? 

March Break (March 16-31) might be the perfect opportunity for you to slow down and enjoy time with friends, family, and the things you love. Or maybe it’s a chance to get outside and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the start of Spring. If your coursework has piled up, you might want to block off some time to catch up. 

The SSC will be closed during the first week of the break;

 it’ll reopen on Monday, March 25.

Book Your Next Session Here: 

Academic Stepping Stones …. 

The 2024 Orientation Week (March 4-8) is a stepping stone for grades 8 and 9 students, in preparation for grade 10. There is so much valuable information that is shared to help students prepare early for their next race!

And just like that … It’s out with February and in with March! 🎉

Welcome, Gohar Zakaryan!

There’s a new, smiling face on our SCC team: Gohar Zakaryan! As a fourth-year McMaster University student from Ontario, Gohar joins us as a Math & Science EA. (Math was her favourite subject in high school, and she lives and breathes science every day through her university courses.) 

Gohar also has a variety of tutoring experience, is a StudyForgecurriculum development intern, and loves trying new things. Fun Fact: She volunteered as a curling coach for the Special Olympics in Hamilton, Ontario. When Gohar’s not deep into her studies, she loves rock climbing, hiking, and watching movies.

Please join us in warmly welcoming Gohar to the SSC Team!

How to Wrap up 2023 and Kick-Start 2024

The Christmas break is just days away .... There are only a handful of Xs to place on the calendar before December 25th!

As it approaches, I’m guessing you’re feeling a mix of excitement for all the fun ahead (and the opportunity to sleep in!), but also heaviness and exhaustion as the journey has been tough and you haven’t crossed the finish line yet.

Here are My Top 6 Tips for You:

1) Push Through. I know you’re already SO ready to sign off for the holidays, but these next few days are a great opportunity to get closer to your goals and finish a unit, assignment, or project. These wins will help put you in a better position for January, and help you tie up loose ends that won’t distract you over the break.

2) Make a List – and Check it Twice. ;) With all the Christmas hype, it’ll be even harder to stay organized, so create a to-do list to help keep you on track.

3) Plan for Distraction. It’s only natural to be distracted (and a bit less productive) right before Christmas break. Just make sure to create space in your calendar for those tough and not-so-fun assignments beforehand.

4) Reward Yourself. With all the excitement, giving yourself some incentives or rewards might be helpful to keep you motivated and on task. Maybe it’s a few more breaks, an extra Christmas cookie, or a Christmas movie with a friend.

5) See the Future. January might seem far away, but it’ll be here before you know it! Spend a little time creating a snapshot of what January will hold, as it’ll help with the transition back. With this in mind, also do some reflecting on the past few months to see what pieces you need to add to ensure you have a great start to 2024.

6) Make it Fun. Lastly, don’t forget to sprinkle in some holiday fun! Plus, use the break to refuel, recharge, and fill up your tank with all the things and people you love most.

From the SSC Team, we wish you a holiday filled with God’s love and joy as you celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Saviour, with those closest to you.

October'23 Highlights

When asked to share their start-of-the-year highlights and what they are most looking forward to in November, here’s what the SSC Team said … 

Photo: My wife and I all decked out for the wedding. 

Benjamin: My September highlight was moving into a new house and beginning reno’s. In October, I attended my brother-in-law's wedding in Michigan. Something I'm looking forward to in November is continuing to meet new students and helping them with math!”

Photo: I am stopping to ask some friendly strangers for directions in Oregon.

Carlee: “My September highlight was meeting so many new students and working with them on so many interesting problems and assignments! In October, I went road-tripping to Portland with my best friend Amanda! Something I'm looking forward to in November is my mom coming to Victoria to visit for a week!” 

Taryn: In September, I was excited to dive back into work and reconnect with past students and meet new ones! I also enjoyed a couple of weekend trips with my sisters; my favourite was visiting the small town of Blue Mountain. Celebrating Thanksgiving with nearly my entire family – for the first time in many years! – was my October highlight. As for November, I am most looking forward to doing everything Christmas with my mom!”  

Photo: Here I am with my sister and niece, on the Blue Mountain coaster! 

Photo: Me and my niece on her second birthday.

Chelsea: “My September highlight was attending my brother-in-law's wedding and celebrating my niece's second birthday. In October, I enjoyed some baseball in the beautiful fall weather, and I am looking forward to some great HCOS team-building opportunities in November.”

Photo: My daughter Olivia and I at Coastal Black Pumpkin Fest, in Black Creek, BC.

Allison: In September, I enjoyed meeting new HCOS students/families and getting back to routine. Celebrating and supporting our new HCOS Student Council and gathering for Thanksgiving with my family were two October highlights. As for November, I am looking forward to volunteering at the local food bank with the international students who live with us.”